Electrode: Its function is to extract and induce a proportional induced inductive potential signal. The electrodes are typically made of non-magnetically conductive stainless steel and are required to be flush with the liner so that the fluid passes unimpeded. It should be installed in the vertical direction of the pipe to prevent deposits from accumulating on it and affecting the measurement accuracy.
Enclosure: Made of ferromagnetic material, it is the cover of the distribution system excitation coil and isolates the interference of external magnetic field.
Lining: A complete electrical insulation lining on the inside of the measuring tube and on the flange sealing surface. It directly contacts the liquid to be measured, and its function is to increase the corrosion resistance of the measuring catheter and prevent the induced potential from being short-circuited by the metal measuring tube wall. Most of the lining materials are PTFE plastics and ceramics that are resistant to corrosion, high temperature and wear.
Converter: The induced potential signal generated by the liquid flow is very weak and is greatly affected by various interference factors. The function of the converter is to amplify and convert the induced potential signal into a unified standard signal and suppress the main interference signal. Its task is to amplify the induced potential signal Ex detected by the electrode into a unified standard DC signal.
Gas turbine flowmeter and screwing vortex flowmeter measurement difference
Keywords: gas turbine flowmeter, Tianxin gas turbine flowmeter, gas gas turbine flowmeter
The gas turbine flowmeter has good repeatability and is the preferred flow meter for trade settlement. The gas swirling vortex flowmeter is generally repeatable.
The gas turbine flowmeter can obtain very high frequency signals with strong signal resolution. The frequency of the gas swirling vortex flowmeter is very low, and the smaller the diameter, the lower the signal resolution. The measurement error is to be measured.
The gas turbine flowmeter has a wide range, generally 40:1~20:1, and has a wide measuring range, which can be suitable for occasions with large flow changes. When natural gas is delivered, the flow changes are generally large and, therefore, are particularly suitable for natural gas measurements. The latter range is medium, generally 15:1 to 10:1, and the measurement range is slightly narrower. When measuring gas, it is more suitable for occasions where the flow rate does not change much.
In terms of seismic performance, gas turbine flowmeters have better resistance to pipeline vibration. The gas swirling vortex flowmeter is susceptible to pipeline vibration and should be taken care of when using it.
Liquid turbine flow meter classification and function description
Keywords: liquid turbine flowmeter, diesel liquid turbine flowmeter, pure water liquid turbine flowmeter
First, the liquid turbine flowmeter overview
The liquid turbine flowmeter is the main type of impeller flow (flow rate) meter, and the impeller type flowmeter also has an anemometer and a water meter. The TUF consists of a sensor and a conversion display. The sensor uses a multi-blade rotor to sense the average flow rate of the fluid, thereby deriving the flow or total amount. The rotational speed (or number of revolutions) of the rotor can be detected mechanically, magnetically, and photoelectrically and displayed and transmitted by the reading device.
Second, liquid turbine flowmeter classification
According to the classification of instrument functions, SDLWGY series turbine flowmeters can be divided into 2 categories.
1, turbine flow sensor / transmitter
2, intelligent integrated turbine flowmeter
Third, the liquid turbine flowmeter function description
1, turbine flow sensor / transmitter
This type of turbine flow product itself does not have a live display function, only the flow signal is transmitted far. The flow signal can be divided into pulse signal or current signal (4-20mA); the instrument is low in price, high in integration and small in size, and is especially suitable for use with computer control systems such as secondary display, PLC, DCS.