Principle analysis of various types of flowmeters
(1) Principles of mechanics: Instruments belonging to such principles have differential pressure and rotor type using Bernoulli's theorem; impulse type and movable tube type using momentum theorem; direct mass type using Newton's second law; The target type of the momentum principle; the turbine type using the angular momentum theorem; the vortex type using the principle of fluid oscillation, the vortex type; the pitot tube type using the total static pressure difference; the volumetric type, the enthalpy, the trough type, and the like.
(2) Electrical principle: The instruments used for such principles are electromagnetic, differential capacitive, inductive, strain resistant, etc.
(3) Acoustic principle: Ultrasonic type, acoustic type (shock wave type), etc. are used for flow measurement using the acoustic principle.
(4) Thermal principle: The heat, direct thermal, indirect calorimetry, etc., which measure the flow using the thermal principle.
(5) Optical principle: laser type, photoelectric type, etc. are instruments belonging to such principles.
(6) Originally based on physical principles: nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear radiation, etc. are instruments of this type.
(7) Other principles: Marking principle (trace principle, NMR principle), related principles, etc.
Flow meter type
Instruments that measure fluid flow are collectively referred to as flow meters or flow meters. The flowmeter is one of the important instruments in industrial measurement. With the development of industrial production, the accuracy and range of flow measurement requirements are getting higher and higher, and the flow measurement technology is changing with each passing day. Various types of flow meters have been introduced to suit various applications. More than 100 flow meters have been put into use. From different perspectives, flow meters have different classification methods. There are two commonly used classification methods. One is to classify according to the measurement principle adopted by the flowmeter: the second is to classify according to the structural principle of the flowmeter.
Classified by flowmeter structure principle
Volumetric flowmeter
A volumetric flow meter is equivalent to a standard volume container that measures the flow medium continuously. The larger the traffic, the more times the metric is, and the higher the frequency of the output. The principle of the volumetric flowmeter is relatively simple and suitable for measuring fluids with high viscosity and low Reynolds number. According to the shape of the rotary body, the products currently produced are: an oval gear flow meter suitable for measuring liquid flow, a lumbar flowmeter (Roots flowmeter), a rotary piston and a scraper flowmeter; a servo type suitable for measuring gas flow Volumetric flowmeters, membranes and flowmeters, etc.
Ultrasonic flowmeter measurement principle
When the ultrasonic beam propagates in the liquid, the flow of the liquid will cause a small change in the propagation time, and the change in the propagation time is proportional to the flow velocity of the liquid, and its relationship conforms to the following expression.
among them
θ is the angle between the sound beam and the direction of flow of the liquid
M is the number of linear travels of the sound beam in the liquid
D is the inner diameter of the pipe
Tup is the propagation time of the sound beam in the positive direction
Tdown is the propagation time of the sound beam in the reverse direction
ΔT=Tup –Tdown
Let the speed of sound in the stationary fluid be c, the velocity of the fluid flow be u, and the propagation distance be L. When the sound wave is in the same direction as the fluid flow direction (ie, the downstream direction), the propagation velocity is c+u; otherwise, the propagation velocity is cu. Two sets of ultrasonic generators and receivers (T1, R1) and (T2, R2) are placed at two places separated by L. When T1 is in the forward direction and T2 transmits ultrasonic waves in the reverse direction, the time required for the ultrasonic waves to reach the receivers R1 and R2 respectively is t1 and t2, then
T1=L/(c+u); t2=L/(c-u)
Since the flow velocity of the fluid in the industrial pipeline is much smaller than the sound velocity, that is, c>>u, the time difference between the two is ▽t=t2-t1=2Lu/cc. Thus, the propagation velocity of the acoustic wave in the fluid is known. When it is known, the flow rate u can be obtained by measuring the time difference ▽t, and the flow rate Q can be obtained. The method of measuring the flow using this principle is called the time difference method. In addition, a phase difference method, a frequency difference method, or the like can be used.